Friday, 1 October 2010

COP 7-5 The Warriors Path

Hey Bloggers,
                       Yesterday i finally got sea, and as promised here is the video. The first run i well.... didnt preform as well as i should have. Chainspell Cure, but i didnt spam Cure, and well the boss did a huge ammount of damage to our SAM. So heres Round 2. Enjoy ^^

Takataru - MNK
Twitchie - RDM
Queenp (Shadowslayah) - WAR
Johnblackwell - SAM

- Twit


  • Head to Sealion's Den and click on the "Iron Gate" for an airship fight.
  • The battlefield has a Level Restriction at 85, so TP and all buffs are removed upon entering the battlefield.
  • The time limit for this fight is 30 minutes.
  • There is no EXP loss upon death.
  • 1000 experience points upon winning will be rewarded (but only once per day).
  • You cannot enter and assist in this fight unless you either are currently on this mission or have previously won this fight.
  • See the Discussion page for Strategies and Testimonials.
  • Make sure your whole party is ready (you cannot exit from this battlefield event, unlike in 6-4).
Chebukki siblings
  • You will enter the Battlefield facing Tenzen (SAM) and the three Tarutaru Chebukki siblings: Makki-Chebukki (RNG),Kukki-Chebukki (BLM) and Cherukiki (WHM). You only need to defeat Tenzen to win the battle; the Chebukkis are invulnerable, evading all attacks and resisting all spells. They will attack and enfeeble you, and buff and cure Tenzen as they do so. They all act about once every 20 seconds though, but will taunt and jeer you throughout the battle.
  • Beastmaster jug pet is ideal for this; if the pet is the first thing to attack Tenzen, the Tarutaru will all focus on attacking the pet, and the pet will run over to them to fight back so that your party isn't hit by the -ga spells.
  • His weapon skills are different from the ones players use:
  • He also never "readies" weapon skills, he just uses them, which makes them hard to stun.
Tenzen of the Far East
  • Often this happens after he uses Meikyo Shisui the first time.
  • Tenzen will use Meikyo Shisui at some point, and then begin to to self-Skillchain whoever has hate. After an initial 3 WS, Tenzen may or may not use Amatsu: Tsukikage, an unavoidable ranged Great Katana WS that bypasses shadows, triggering the Cosmic Elucidation Skillchain which deals over 1000 damage to all players in range and triggers ejection from the BC, much like the Snoll Tzar encounter.
  • Whether he uses Amatsu: Tsukikage does NOT depend on whether his 3rd Meikyo Shisui WS lands. Even if 3rd WS misses, or original target is dead, he may still use WS Amatsu: Tsukikage and it will STILL trigger Cosmic Elucidation.
  • He can use Meikyo Shisui multiple times at will.
  • Utsusemi blocks most of his Weapon Skills, and it is possible to recast Utsusemi: Ni between his WS.
  • His second Weapon Skill often takes 2 shadows.
  • Tenzen's weapon skills can be anticipated with Third Eye, including Amatsu: Tsukigage.
  • Tenzen's Weapon Skills can be delayed by using stun spells or abilities, but since he doesn't "ready" them, it can be hard to detect.
  • A Level 75 RDM/DRK Chainspell+Stun strategy is not recommended. When executed by a merited 75 RDM/DRK with cap dark magic skill, Tenzen still continued to weapon skill. RDM/WHM is a more efficient use as a backup healer.
  • One or more Blue Mages spamming Head Butt has a very good chance at killing the skillchain altogether.
  • Tenzen will give up when he's close to being defeated, at which point you will win. It is estimated you will need to do between 12,000 and 14,000 damage. He will give up at roughly 15% HP remaining.


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