Monday, 16 August 2010

Dynamis Sandoria + VNM + Abyssea NM Nahn (15 August 2010)

Today has been quite eventful, went into Dynamis with Obsidian Dynamis shell, although i didn't have any points on the way in i did end up coming out with a Clerics Cap. It seemed all smooth, the funniest part was when pretty much all of us got charmed and were spanking on one of the BLMs running around the fountain for about five minutes.

As i finished thechireru asked me to help him with a VNM, and of course it took a couple hours before the item we needed drop, we were running around Thangori Canyon for a while trying to find spawn points etc. all in all pretty fun killing stuff on my BRD for once. While this was going on Umezawa sent us a tell asking if we were intrested in doing a NM Crab in Abyssea, its fished up aparently... so i made my way down there with chireru and we entered La Thiene Abyssea.

We kite this bastard around the pond like we did with the othe Monkey NM. Well...... talk about deathga. aga spells tore through us, i was stuck with raising and barwater and water carol on the bunch of us. Nahn wasnt taking any excuses if you werent on your game, and that meant stoneskin up all the time, or barwater, you were going to feel it. From this fight i obtained muchos death and a Level down from 77 - 76 >< .


  • Fished up from both ponds at (H-7) as a monster.
Successfully fished up with 0 fishing skill.
Rods: Composite Fishing RodLu Shang's Fishing RodMithran Fishing RodHalcyon RodEbisu Fishing Rod
Bait: LugwormMinnowRobber RigLittle WormFly Lure
  • Nahn can be re-fished up almost, if not, immediately after his last death.
  • Fished up 4 times in 90 mins.


  • Flood when used by Nahn is AoE.
  • Frequently uses Bubble Shower.
  • Can cast Waterga II

We decided to have at the NM one more time. This time we added a couple members to the party, Ume Blu/Nin, Millgo Blm/Whm (Ran out of time), Twit Brd/Whm, Jaisawn Blm/Whm, Upbeat Rng/Sam, Thechireru changed to Rdm/Blm, and Slumberous stayed Pld/War.

Intrested in the result?....
We got it down to 55% which is when we lost it the first time. so far so good. thats when the NM spams Chainspell ga spells. Upbeat goes down :(, still so far so good, 1 death is better than multiple, and Upbeat is a team player and is more than gladly willing to take the hit ^^. 

We get the Kill :D - We Drop a Naguul. Congratulations Ume.



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