Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Ifrit Avatar Run (For Malkiar's Evoker's Ring)

I been promising Malkiar for a long time now that i would help him with Avatar runs, i been soloing them for him, but because of me being form the UK (now imagine me speaking this blog in an english accent why dont yah?), makes time very difficult for me to get shit done, i usually gotta stay up til arround 3am, but w/e im glad to help a friend, anyway back on topic. I had just finished helping Nipoco doing Genkai 3, and i hear my buddy malkiar on XBOX Chat and i ask him if he wants to get this final Avatar done, and he jumped at the idea. My buddy Lordwolf said he was down for doing it before he had to go to work. So the three of us set out for Kazham to get the Key Item necessary for Ifrit run. We arrive in Ifrits Cauldren with no trouble whatso, took an Ice Cluster to get past fire wall to minimize waiting around time.

I proceed to buff up my Redmage / Ninja. RINJA!!!

The Fight went smooth on my part, 2HR hit me for 0 Dmg, malkiar stood a wee bit to close and got hit for about 800dmg, and Lordwolf stupidly came /dnc (im just joking with ya wolf) so hit took a large some of damage. One again my Taru Ass Redmage had to save the day with a couple Cure IV's and we sailed malkiar through for an easy win, and a easy 10,000 gil.

Congratulations on your Evoker's Ring Malkiar. ^^


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